Thursday, October 13, 2011

Set zGangliaHost for a lot of servers

I realized that it was a big problem to set zGangliaHost for my Hadoop clusters, totally 55 servers. Fortunately, Zenoss is powerful if you can write some small Python code. Here is my solution: Load them using zenbatchload like this:
$ zenbatchload dev-cluster.txt
Here is the dev-cluster.txt:
    devnode001 comments="My Hadoop DEV cluster, client node", zGangliaHost="devnode001", setGroups='/Hadoop/DEV/ClientNode'
    devnode002 comments="My Hadoop DEV cluster, master node", zGangliaHost="devnode001", setGroups='/Hadoop/DEV/MasterNode'
    devnode003 comments="My Hadoop DEV cluster, data node", zGangliaHost="devnode001", setGroups='/Hadoop/DEV/DataNode'
You can set zGangliaHost and groups in a file. It is perfect. You can generate this file easily using a script. ZENBATCHLOAD HOW TO may be obsolete. My Zenoss version (3.1.0) doesn't use -i. My Zenoss administrator created the devices for my clusters without zGangliaHost. I don't want him to delete those devices and use zenbatchload. Here is my solution.
$ zendmd
Here is
import re

dev = re.compile('(hdcl001|had002|had01[0-2]).*', re.IGNORE
test = re.compile('(hdcledw002|had001|had01[0-2]).*', re.IGNOR
prod = re.compile('prod.*', re.IGNORECASE)
for item in dmd.Devices.Server.SSH.Linux.Ganglia.devices.objectItems():
    (name, device) = item
    if dev.match(name):
        device.zGangliaHost = 'dev-gmond'
    elif test.match(name):
        device.zGangliaHost = 'test-gmond'
    elif prod.match(name):
        device.zGangliaHost = 'prod-gmond'
dev-gmond is the server name where you run gmond

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