I want to use
which is supported since Git 2.9, but the default Git version of CentOS 7.3 is still 1.8.3:$ yum list git
Available Packages
git.x86_64 base
I have to compile from the source by myself. It is not hard to find bunch of blogs explain how to do it. For example, https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-the-latest-git-version-on-centos. However, the method mentioned in those blogs is not what I want, a docker image based on
with the latest Git version. There are questions I don’t know the answers:- How can I clean up those required build tools like gcc? I don’t want a larger image size.
- How can I install Git manuals? I could not remember all commands and parameters. It will be handy to reference by just typing
git help xxx
I believe the clean way is to build Git in RPM and install Git using RPM in my docker image. Sounds easy, but the first problem I had was where to get
to build RPM. The Git source code doesn’t have a RPM spec file. I finally found the spec from Redhat. But it is not easy like Gradle or Maven when you build from a RPM spec. You have to know the tools to pull the dependencies. Finally, my method is actually pretty simple after I figured it out all of steps because I made it in a dockerfile. Here are what I did:- I created a docker image
, which builds Git 2.12.2 in RPMs. - When running
in a container, a yum repository server starts. - When I build the docker image, I just simply put the local yum repository for Git, and call
yum install -y git
. - For
, the default configuration turns off the manual installationtsflags=nodocs
. I need to turn it on usingyum --setopt tsflags='' -y install git
If you want to get those RPMs from docker and put them to a yum repository, you can run
docker cp
FROM centos:7
LABEL name="Latest version Git RPM on CentOS 7" \
RUN yum install -y \
git rpm-build rpmdevtools make gcc \
asciidoc xmlto desktop-file-utils emacs expat-devel gettext gnupg2 \
curl-devel libsecret-devel pcre-devel perl-generators perl openssl-devel \
zlib-devel pkgconfig bash-completion systemd python libgnome-keyring-devel \
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker \
createrepo httpd \
&& yum clean all
RUN cd /root \
&& git clone http://pkgs.fedoraproject.org/cgit/rpms/git.git \
&& cd /root/git \
&& git checkout f26 \
&& rpmdev-setuptree \
&& cp /root/git/* /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES \
&& cd /root/rpmbuild/SOURCES \
&& spectool -g git.spec \
&& rpmbuild -bb git.spec
RUN mkdir /var/lib/git-repo \
&& cp -R /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/* /var/lib/git-repo \
&& createrepo /var/lib/git-repo \
&& ln -s /var/lib/git-repo /var/www/html
CMD [ "/usr/sbin/apachectl", "-DFOREGROUND" ]
ReplyDeleteis there any chance to get a look on your Docker file?
Thanks, KirK