Monday, November 19, 2012

Start Puppet Master As Non-Root User

My company has a lengthy process if we need root permission to deploy something into a Linux server, 3-4 days for approval. Sound impossible? Unfortunately it is true. And I don't want to run my puppet modules under root permission because they have to be managed by IT team and it could take even longer to deploy and maintain those modules. My goal is to avoid any root permission as possible as I can.

Actually it is possible that run multiple puppet agents in one machine. One agent is managed by IT, who handles the stuffs I don't care, such as NTP. One agent can run under my control with a non-root user with some sudo privileges, like run /sbin/service, etc. And I can manage a puppet master and config my agents to connect to this master to do the deployment.

It is actually pretty simple, even without any configuration, just provide confdir, vardir and server in the command line.

puppet master --confdir=/home/bewang/.puppet --vardir=/home/bewang/.puppet/var --modulepath=/home/bewang/modules --pluginsync --no-deamonize --debug --verbose
puppet agent --confdir=/home/bewang/.puppet --vardir=/home/bewang/.puppet/var server=my-pp-master --test
Of course, when you run puppet agent for the first time, it will fail because the certificate is not signed yet. After running the following command, everything works.
puppet cert --confdir=/home/bewang/.puppet --vardir=/home/bewang/.puppet/var list
puppet cert --confdir=/home/bewang/.puppet --vardir=/home/bewang/.puppet/var sign my-pp-agent-host-name
For service type resource, you can provide customized start command like this:
service { "my-service":
  ensure => running,
  start => "sudo /sbin/service my-service start",

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