Thursday, August 28, 2014

Impala-shell may have control sequence in its output

Assume you have a table has three rows, what is the result in the output file /tmp/my_table_count? 3? Actually it is not. There is a control sequence "ESC[?1034h" on my terminal.
$ impala-shell -B -q "select count(1) from my_table" > /tmp/my_table_count
$ xxd /tmp/my_table_count
0000000: 1b5b 3f31 3033 3468 320a                 .[?1034h2.
It will cause a problem when you use the result in a script which tries to update a partition's numRows in Impala.
  local a=$(impala-shell -B -q "select count(1) from my_table where part_col='2014-08-28'")
  impala-shell -q "alter table my_table partition(part_col='2014-08-20') set tblproperties('numRows'='$a')"
If you run this script, you will get the wrong value for #Rows due to the escape control sequence.
Query: show table stats my_table
| part_col   | #Rows | #Files | Size   | Bytes Cached | Format  |
| 2014-08-28 | -1    | 2      | 2.87KB | NOT CACHED   | PARQUET |
| Total      | -1    | 2      | 2.87KB | 0B           |         |
Returned 2 row(s) in 0.06s
You can fix it by unsetting TERM like this:
  local a=$(TERM= impala-shell -B -q "select count(1) from my_table where part_col='2014-08-28'")
  impala-shell -q "alter table my_table partition(part_col='2014-08-20') set tblproperties('numRows'='$a')"

Friday, August 15, 2014

Set replication for files in Hadoop

  • Change the existing files's replications
    hadoop fs -setrep -R -w 2 /data-dir
  • Set replication when loading a file
    hadoop fs -Ddfs.replication=2 -put local_file dfs_file

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Parquet Schema Incompatible between Pig and Hive

When you use Pig to process data and put into a Hive table, you need to be careful about the Pig namespace. It is possible that your complex Pig scripts may have namespace after group-by. And parquet.pig.ParquetStorer will keep the namespace prefix into the schema. Unfortunately, Hive Parquet map the table column to Parquet column by simply comparing string. See
  public parquet.hadoop.api.ReadSupport.ReadContext init(final Configuration configuration,
      final Map keyValueMetaData, final MessageType fileSchema) {
    final String columns = configuration.get(IOConstants.COLUMNS);
    final Map contextMetadata = new HashMap();
    if (columns != null) {
      final List listColumns = getColumns(columns);

      final List typeListTable = new ArrayList();
      for (final String col : listColumns) {
        // listColumns contains partition columns which are metadata only
        if (fileSchema.containsField(col)) { // containsField return false because col doesn't have namespace.
        } else {
          // below allows schema evolution
          typeListTable.add(new PrimitiveType(Repetition.OPTIONAL, PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY, col));
  public boolean containsField(String name) {
    return indexByName.containsKey(name);
There is not any name resolution. If you want Pig generate Hive readable Parquet files, you'd better give a lower-case name for each column before storing. I haven't tried whether writing into HCatalog table works or not. But HCatalog cannot write Parquet table in CDH 5.1.0, see my blog how to fix it.