Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Deploy LZO for YARN in CDH4

This page Using the LZO Parcel is only for MRv1, not for YARN. It took me a while to figure out how to set up LZO in YARN correctly.

You may experience different error messages if you do not configure YARN correctly:

  • Class com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec not found.
  • Class com.hadoop.mapred.DeprecatedLzoTextInputFormat not found.
  • No LZO codec found, cannot run.
  • native-lzo library not available

Here are the steps to setup LZO correctly:
  • You can follow the instruction in "Using the LZO Parcel" to install and activate the parcel
  • Add LzoCodec and LzopCodec. In cloudera manager, find the field for core-site.xml: hdfs1->Configuration -> Service-Wide -> Advanced -> Cluster-wide Configuration Safety Valve for core-site.xml. and add this property:
  • Add classpath and native library. In Cloudera manager, find this field in mapred-site.xml: yarn1->Configuration->Service-Wide->Advanced->YARN Service MapReduce Configuration Safety Valve, then add the following two properties:
  • Restart YARN and put the configuration files to gateways.
  • Don't forget to run "Deploy Client Configuration"

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Make Eclipse Font Smaller in Gnome/Xfce

There are a lot of posts on the Internet. Here are the one working for me:

  • To make the menu font smaller
    • create ~/.gtkrc-eclipse
      style "eclipse" {
        font_name = "Sans 9"
      class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse"
    • If you want the buttons are more compact, please follow this page. I use like this, but have a problem the color of menu items on the menu bar is same as the background.
      style "eclipse" {
        font_name = "Sans 9"
      class "GtkWidget" style "eclipse"
      style "compact-toolbar" {
          GtkToolbar::internal-padding = 0
          xthickness = 1
          ythickness = 1
      style "compact-button" {
          xthickness = 0
          ythickness = 0
      class "GtkToolbar" style "compact-toolbar"
      widget_class "*<GtkToolbar>*<GtkButton>" style "compact-button"
    • add this line into ~/.bashrc
      export GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:$HOME/.gtkrc-eclipse 
  • To make the tab font smaller, such as "Package Explorer", you need to modify the css file (version # could be different).
    $ vi $ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins/org.eclipse.platform_4.2.2.v201302041200/css/e4_default_gtk.css
    .MPartStack {
            font-size: 9;
            swt-simple: false;
            swt-mru-visible: false;
    You may try to make the height of tabs smaller as suggested in this page, but I found it didn't work well because the buttons like 'minimum' or 'maximum' become too small and large when the mouse is hovering.
    .MPartStack {
      font-size: 9;
      font-family: Liberation Sans;
      swt-tab-renderer: null;
      swt-tab-height: 22px;
      swt-selected-tabs-background: #FFFFFF #ECE9D8 100%;
      swt-simple: false;
      swt-mru-visible: false;